I have been privileged to travel to many countries and visit sites of historical significance displaying the architectural brilliance of men, visit many museums and galleries in Rome, Florence, London, New York and behold some of the creative works of masters in painting & sculpting! Also I have listened to the works of gifted composers...played by fine musicians...whether classical, country or pop. The variety and creativity amazes me! Where does all this creativity and uniqueness come from?
While in Hawaii, I had the distinct privilege of visiting an exhibit highlighting what I consider the greatest creative masterpiece of all. It was simply called "Bodies, The Exhibit" As I spent hours viewing the various systems of the human body, and listened to the taped commentary I was again reminded "we are fearfully and wonderfully made"! Let us now begin a study of what I consider to be the greatest creative masterpiece of all..the human body!!
I am of the persuasion that the bodies we live in while traversing this planet are not the result of a multitude of accidental and progressively improving mutations (evolution), but that our entire universe is the product of intelligent design! I subscribe to the Genesis account that simply states "In the beginning God". The account goes on to state that the Sun, Moon, Stars and indeed all the universe was created and that the method of creation was by the spoken word...God said..and it was so! According the Genesis account all of the universe was brought into existence simply by God speaking words.
After creating the world and filling it with plants, animals, fish and fowl, God went on to complete the work of creation...man! However, unlike any other thing that He created..God did not use the spoken word, this time according to the Genesis account God stooped down and with his own hands, like a sculptor with a lump of clay... took some of the dust of the earth and formed a man. Not just a lump of clay..but a being with heart and circulatory system, lungs and respiratory system, a muscular system that can be individually molded!Man was also given a brain and nervous system faster than the worlds finest computer that can interact with its environment and respond to thousands of outside stimuli in a split second! Our body is a finely tuned machine that is "fearfully and wonderfully made"!
This being was made of dust..dirt..and as a result, has a unique relationship to the earth. It is interesting that in dirt..you will find minerals, seeds of trees and the support system to keep this man alive! I believe that in this setting, man can find the elements needed for optimal health, naturally occurring in or growing from the earth. He can also find in the air and water elements to nourish and strengthen his body. He also has a direct connection with the sun that brings life to the earth and must receive an ample portion of sunshine daily for optimal health! Much of the study in alternative healing modalities has to do with man's relationship to the earth...and the need for naturally occurring (not laboratory produced) minerals, plants, herbs, energy sources, etc.
However there are other needs to completely.. Live In Health. There are three main Live In Health essentials for man to experience wholeness and much like a three legged stool... if one is missing or in short supply, your overall health is compromised! With this particular creative work ...the Genesis account states that God not only formed man individually, but He went much much further....He breathed some of His own creative life and spirit into man's nostrils!! Amazing..this creature... has a little of God on the inside of him...some of His creativity..ability to love...ability to oversee...ability to speak powerful words that can be very creative or damaging! He also entrusted to man the care for the earth and all created things.
The second leg on the stool that supports the ability to..Live in Health.. is the need for interaction or fellowship with the creator. Man has a unique need and ability to interact with the divine! You will find some form of religious worship of the creator wherever you travel...in each culture on this planet. This created being...is infused with a spark of divine life...he is more than just an animal like other creatures...he is a living soul!
The third leg of our stool is also revealed in the Genesis account. Man has his unique relationship with the created universe, especially this earth...he has a relationship with the creator..has communication with the divine...the creator places him as administrator of the planet and overseer, even naming each plant, animal, fish and fowl. But God finds a deficiency in man..ladies will appreciate this...he needs a little tweeking!! Adam, his man, is alone! Then follows the description of the first surgery ever performed on man..by God himself..under anesthesia (deep sleep)! God takes from Adam's side one of his ribs and forms another version...much improved! When Adam awakes from surgery and becomes aware of something new in his environment...this man who could come up with unique and wonderful names for all other creatures...he is so taken aback, all he has to say is Whooaa Maaaan, from which we get woman.
As a result, man now has others who have within them the same divine spark, and unique ability to interact with each other, with the creator and with the created world. The interaction with other human beings provides another key element to...Live in Health. Proper relationships are essential... and words and actions of love, friendship, kindness, mercy, forgiveness...can bring or add healing potential to our human bodies. Negative emotions and actions such as anger, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness...can actually make you ill....
So, to wrap it up for this post...let me explain the three main over-arching Live In Health principles that we have discovered over the years:
1. Man is made from the dust of the ground and in the earth or growing from the earth (herbs, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc) he can find tremendous healing properties to promote well-being.
2. Man has a bit of the divine breathed into him and possesses unique abilities far beyond other created being! He is a living soul (mind, will, emotions) and is able to imitate the divine..by speaking life rather than death, make cognitive choices that have repurcussions! He has a creative ability...a little spark of the divine in his soul..and need fellowship with the divine in a very unique way!
3. It is not good for man to be alone! We were created to live in harmony with others! When healthy relationships are maintained...it has a very positive effect on our well being. When healthy relationships are absent..it can be detrimental to your overall health