Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm Sorry - There is no Cure!! - Brenda Froese

I will never forget the words I heard that day, "There is no cure for what you have. You just have to learn to live with it". I walked out of the clinic feeling helpless, hopeless and angry!! Not long after something rose up within me and I said to myself, "I will not accept that!" With the help of the Lord and His grace I will overcome this!

My first plan of action was to educate myself about the condition I had, that they described as Chronic Fatigue! I searched out every book or study done on the subject that I could find. As I looked into the condition and the various treatments that had been tried what I amazingly found was that those who seemed to be overcoming the condition were all using classical, natural, holistic methods and not by the current conventional methods!

There are many symptoms to what they labeled as Chronic Fatigue, one I experienced being a feeling of cloudiness in my mind - like my head was full of cotton. I had heard about Royal Jelly which is what bees feed the queen bee. She lives much longer than worker bees. As I tried Royal Jelly, I found that my head cleared up, I could think more clearly! I was excited to go back to the doctor and share this information! She looked back over at me with this blank stare and said "I've never heard of it". I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach and at that moment I knew I was on my own. There would no encouragement from her on anything natural or holistic that I had discovered.

I am thankful though, because at one point earlier I had been so discouraged and desperate to feel better, I had requested a drug I had heard might make me feel better. Back then I did not realize the dangerous side effects they could have. I am certain because of the doctors reaction that she was very well aware of the effects. With a stern look on her face she said, "I would not think of giving that drug to you!". I know today,over 20 yrs later, the dangerous side effects of so many drugs used in conventional treatments. I have always been very thankful through the years for this doctor who turned down my request for the medication. I do not know where I would be today had I taken prescriptions for all my different symptoms. I do know, from watching others who resorted to taking a bag of drugs, the result would not have been a good place for me. How many times do you look back over your life and thank God for things that didn't work out, when initially you thought they would have be great!

Realizing I was truly on my own in my efforts to overcome Chronic Fatigue, I began to study Classical natural medicine with a vengeance! I spent hundreds of hours pouring over many books, herbal remedies and holistic healing modalities. Instead of being bored out of my mind, I found a passion and such an intense hunger for knowledge on the subject. I maintain that love of study in these classical healing arts today! Next to my love of God and my family, this is my greatest passion!

I have found that there are truly many different paths to healing. There is such a variety of healing modalities available, like a huge smorgasbord of healthy transforming options! I certainly could not take everything that I read about initially. I took it gradually, working out my own healing plan that worked for my condition and my body. I tried many different things that were natural over the years in my quest to recover my health, some worked, others didn't seem to make a difference. What I liked about the natural remedies is that even if they didn't work for me, there were no debilitating side effects!!

Over the years, regardless of whatever health challenge I have faced, I have researched everything I possibly could find on the subject! Knowledge is Power!! It amazes me how many people have serious health issues and when I ask them what they have read on the subject they reply, "absolutely nothing"!! Lack of knowledge makes you weak and vulnerable. Decisions made out of ignorance and fear can have long lasting effects on your life!! Regarding my health, no one takes it more seriously than me. I believe it is necessary to be proactive about our health and not wait for someone to spoon feed me. I take responsibility because it is I and no one else who will have to live with the outcome!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Three Essentials To "LiveInHealth"!

As I mentioned in my previous post, there are 3 main essentials to LiveInHealth, each as important as the other. They are like a three-legged stool that supports optimal health, and if one is missing or in short supply, the over-all health of the individual is compromised. These three essentials are:

1. Our bodies come from the earth...and eventually return to the earth "ashes to ashes..dust to dust" and they have a unique need for nutrients that grow from or are present in the earth, air, water and sunlight. The closer to the earth in natural form that we find them...the more beneficial they will be to the human body!

2. We have a unique relationship to the Creator of the Universe in that God breathed into man the breath of life - part of himself!! He actually created us in His image and likeness, and though each of us are unique and special, we all have the ability to use creative words and thoughts, to promote healing, and to bless our lives and the lives of those around us! Our words, thoughts and actions determine our future...we have a unique ability to shape our own future, to call our future into existence much as God through His words created the universe!

3. God said "It is not good for man to be alone", and so he made another person to walk along side through this life. This speaks to the third essential to LiveInHealth! No one is an island unto himself..we all have and need relations with others!! Unhealthy, negative relationships can make you ill, but healthy positive relationships promote optimal health. There are many ways this healing occurs; we each have the ability to release healing energy through touch, prayer, words of blessing and encouragement! There is great power in the emotions and energy released through love or hate in all their varieties of manifestation. It is perhaps why all the commandments for a blessed life are included in 2 positive statements "Love God with all your heart..and Love your neighbor as yourself"! What healing powerful sentiments!

I had envisioned progressing more rapidly with this blog when I first started, but my schedule has been very demanding..we will push through and use every available minute to share more with you! Please be patient..I value your comments!

In the next blog we will share a little about what Brenda was going through 25 yrs ago and how that when there seemed to be no help or cure for her condition, it was actually a blessing in disguise! Because there was no help at that time with traditional western medicine we became seekers, which is always the beginning on the road to recovering your health. "Seek and you will find" Jesus of Nazareth.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Greatest Creative Masterpiece

I have been privileged to travel to many countries and visit sites of historical significance displaying the architectural brilliance of men, visit many museums and galleries in Rome, Florence, London, New York and behold some of the creative works of masters in painting & sculpting! Also I have listened to the works of gifted composers...played by fine musicians...whether classical, country or pop. The variety and creativity amazes me! Where does all this creativity and uniqueness come from?

While in Hawaii, I had the distinct privilege of visiting an exhibit highlighting what I consider the greatest creative masterpiece of all. It was simply called "Bodies, The Exhibit" As I spent hours viewing the various systems of the human body, and listened to the taped commentary I was again reminded "we are fearfully and wonderfully made"! Let us now begin a study of what I consider to be the greatest creative masterpiece of all..the human body!!

I am of the persuasion that the bodies we live in while traversing this planet are not the result of a multitude of accidental and progressively improving mutations (evolution), but that our entire universe is the product of intelligent design! I subscribe to the Genesis account that simply states "In the beginning God". The account goes on to state that the Sun, Moon, Stars and indeed all the universe was created and that the method of creation was by the spoken word...God said..and it was so! According the Genesis account all of the universe was brought into existence simply by God speaking words.

After creating the world and filling it with plants, animals, fish and fowl, God went on to complete the work of! However, unlike any other thing that He created..God did not use the spoken word, this time according to the Genesis account God stooped down and with his own hands, like a sculptor with a lump of clay... took some of the dust of the earth and formed a man. Not just a lump of clay..but a being with heart and circulatory system, lungs and respiratory system, a muscular system that can be individually molded!Man was also given a brain and nervous system faster than the worlds finest computer that can interact with its environment and respond to thousands of outside stimuli in a split second! Our body is a finely tuned machine that is "fearfully and wonderfully made"!

This being was made of dust..dirt..and as a result, has a unique relationship to the earth. It is interesting that in will find minerals, seeds of trees and the support system to keep this man alive! I believe that in this setting, man can find the elements needed for optimal health, naturally occurring in or growing from the earth. He can also find in the air and water elements to nourish and strengthen his body. He also has a direct connection with the sun that brings life to the earth and must receive an ample portion of sunshine daily for optimal health! Much of the study in alternative healing modalities has to do with man's relationship to the earth...and the need for naturally occurring (not laboratory produced) minerals, plants, herbs, energy sources, etc.

However there are other needs to completely.. Live In Health. There are three main Live In Health essentials for man to experience wholeness and much like a three legged stool... if one is missing or in short supply, your overall health is compromised! With this particular creative work ...the Genesis account states that God not only formed man individually, but He went much much further....He breathed some of His own creative life and spirit into man's nostrils!! Amazing..this creature... has a little of God on the inside of him...some of His creativity..ability to love...ability to oversee...ability to speak powerful words that can be very creative or damaging! He also entrusted to man the care for the earth and all created things.

The second leg on the stool that supports the ability to..Live in Health.. is the need for interaction or fellowship with the creator. Man has a unique need and ability to interact with the divine! You will find some form of religious worship of the creator wherever you each culture on this planet. This created infused with a spark of divine life...he is more than just an animal like other creatures...he is a living soul!

The third leg of our stool is also revealed in the Genesis account. Man has his unique relationship with the created universe, especially this earth...he has a relationship with the creator..has communication with the divine...the creator places him as administrator of the planet and overseer, even naming each plant, animal, fish and fowl. But God finds a deficiency in man..ladies will appreciate this...he needs a little tweeking!! Adam, his man, is alone! Then follows the description of the first surgery ever performed on God himself..under anesthesia (deep sleep)! God takes from Adam's side one of his ribs and forms another version...much improved! When Adam awakes from surgery and becomes aware of something new in his environment...this man who could come up with unique and wonderful names for all other creatures...he is so taken aback, all he has to say is Whooaa Maaaan, from which we get woman.

As a result, man now has others who have within them the same divine spark, and unique ability to interact with each other, with the creator and with the created world. The interaction with other human beings provides another key element to...Live in Health. Proper relationships are essential... and words and actions of love, friendship, kindness, mercy, forgiveness...can bring or add healing potential to our human bodies. Negative emotions and actions such as anger, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness...can actually make you ill....

So, to wrap it up for this post...let me explain the three main over-arching Live In Health principles that we have discovered over the years:

1. Man is made from the dust of the ground and in the earth or growing from the earth (herbs, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc) he can find tremendous healing properties to promote well-being.

2. Man has a bit of the divine breathed into him and possesses unique abilities far beyond other created being! He is a living soul (mind, will, emotions) and is able to imitate the speaking life rather than death, make cognitive choices that have repurcussions! He has a creative ability...a little spark of the divine in his soul..and need fellowship with the divine in a very unique way!

3. It is not good for man to be alone! We were created to live in harmony with others! When healthy relationships are has a very positive effect on our well being. When healthy relationships are can be detrimental to your overall health

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First Day of 7th Decade!!

When my eyes opened to the world this morning it dawned on me that I was entering my 7th decade on this planet! Wow! It's amazing....I feel wonderful, no aches, no pains, and at 6:00 a.m. filled with energy, excitement..enthusiasm!! I feel such a zest for life and it seems to be even more intense today! So now, I embark not only on a new decade of life, but a new project that inspires and motivates me to be all I can be.

There is a great deal of difference between biological and chronological age! Though I may be 60 yrs of age chronologically I feel in my body (biological age) as though I am still in my early 40's. I rest well, rise early, spend very long hours working (sometimes very strenuously) and workout in my personal gym every day! My wife, who 25 yrs ago was so ill that many days it was a major chore just to get up in the morning, now works along side me. She is vibrant, healthy, gorgeous (looks much younger than her age!!) and yet doctors had told her 25 yrs earlier there was nothing they could do for her. She needed to resign herself to living with the condition! Well that is where our life took a huge we just accept this defeat and struggle through life or do we take this as a challenge to overcome!

We chose the latter..and through the years by study, trial and error, the assistance of many mentors and most of all the guiding help of God; we came to understand so much more about how our bodies work and how we can work with them to promote healing. We found simple, natural, god-given remedies in the earth that support and strengthen our immune systems. They bring restorative healing to take us to the place we are now, living in vibrant health and with enthusiasm for life. Having a strong desire to share our joy in healthy living with others, we have embarked on this journey to chronicle as completely as possible what we have learned through these years and continue to learn each new day!

In this blog and the book to follow we cover much ground and would appreciate any comments or input from those of you who begin to follow the blog. None of us know everything, but the synergism that comes from shared knowledge can lead us all to a more vibrant, healthy lifestyle. We will cover first of all the magnificent body that each of us possesses, each one unique and beautiful, with it's own signatures of fingerprint, voice inflection, that we can be distinguished as unique from every other human being on the planet and yet so much alike! We all have hearts, lungs, nervous systems, muscles, bones, eyes, get the picture..that function the same way and with the same purpose in our bodies. We all have a natural immune system that is designed to fight off disease. We all have a nervous system that can feel and sense what is happening throughout our bodies and triggers movement and reaction to stimuli. We will cover each of the body systems..their purpose and function..and then what supports or hinders their function.

Other topics to follow will be the importance of nutrition - and how best to provide proper nutrition or supplements to strengthen our immune systems. What foods should be eaten and when? How should they be prepared and why? What foods provide the specific nutrition each of our bodies need to provide optimal health? One of the many books we have studied over the years "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M Campbell II, has on the back cover a quote that is so appropriate when referring to the problems we have with major diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes: "These issues all come down to three things:breakfast lunch and dinner."!

We will discuss fitness and exercise and how best to achieve your fitness goals..for some fitness is the long lean look of a swimmer or runner.. for others it is the totally buff muscular look of the fitness models..for others it is the strength and stamina to perform well in their vocation or athletic endeavors (tennis, walking, golf,etc.)! We will discuss various ways through a variety of exercise programs, proper rest and nutrition that an individual can develop the type of body you personally desire for optimal performance and health!

Finally, we will discuss the diseases that rob so many of a quality, healthy lifestyle and have caused all of us sorrow by loosing loved ones far before it was necessary! We will discuss studies that have been done outlining some of the causes of these diseases. We will discuss a multitude of natural treatment options that are available ...and they are support the immune system and enable our bodies to naturally fight off the invasion of disease. Yes, our bodies are "fearfully and wonderfully made" according to the scriptures and you have a standing army inside of you that if equipped correctly can destroy the invasion of diseases so common among us. I believe many lives "perish for lack of knowledge"! Knowledge is power..power to choose health over sickness...power even to choose life over death!! We chose years ago to take this journey into knowledge and health and invite you to follow along and share with us your insights! As I said yesterday, what we share is not to be considered medical advice or to take the place of your personal physician, or a claim that we can cure any disease, but is simply a sharing of what we have personally chosen to do in our journey toward a healthy lifestyle and to bring support to our immune system! We desire that you Live in Health!! Much of what we share is common knowledge to those who are seekers after truth.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Purpose of LiveInHealth

This is the last day I will live in my 50's. Tomorrow I begin my 60th year, and with all the changes a new decade will bring in my life, I have planned to begin compiling a book that covers some of the many things my wife Brenda and I have discovered personally and through the help of many mentors! Ours has been a wonderful and unique journey toward a more healthy lifestyle: body, soul and spirit. We have a great deal of passion to share with our readers the many choices in life that have helped us to be in outstanding health. I am entering my 6th decade and Brenda is not that far behind. We will be posting articles, pictures, recipes, fitness tips, reference materials, links to natural health practitioners, etc. We will also share a little history of our journey toward a healthy lifestyle.

We believe it is necessary to be proactive in our health maintenance program and have studied and used a variety of modalities to achieve optimal health. We do not subscribe to the rationale that only "the Doctor knows best". We believe our bodies " are fearfully and wonderfully made" by our creator and can speak to us if we listen carefully. We also believe that our creator has provided many healing therapies that are completely natural and non-invasive to promote healing. We are sharing our personal journey only and what we share is not to be considered medical advice or to take the place of the advice of your personal physician but merely as an explanation of what we have found helpful in our own personal journey. We do have the right to choose for our own bodies, and that is what we have done.