As I mentioned in my previous post, there are 3 main essentials to LiveInHealth, each as important as the other. They are like a three-legged stool that supports optimal health, and if one is missing or in short supply, the over-all health of the individual is compromised. These three essentials are:
1. Our bodies come from the earth...and eventually return to the earth "ashes to ashes..dust to dust" and they have a unique need for nutrients that grow from or are present in the earth, air, water and sunlight. The closer to the earth in natural form that we find them...the more beneficial they will be to the human body!
2. We have a unique relationship to the Creator of the Universe in that God breathed into man the breath of life - part of himself!! He actually created us in His image and likeness, and though each of us are unique and special, we all have the ability to use creative words and thoughts, to promote healing, and to bless our lives and the lives of those around us! Our words, thoughts and actions determine our future...we have a unique ability to shape our own future, to call our future into existence much as God through His words created the universe!
3. God said "It is not good for man to be alone", and so he made another person to walk along side through this life. This speaks to the third essential to LiveInHealth! No one is an island unto himself..we all have and need relations with others!! Unhealthy, negative relationships can make you ill, but healthy positive relationships promote optimal health. There are many ways this healing occurs; we each have the ability to release healing energy through touch, prayer, words of blessing and encouragement! There is great power in the emotions and energy released through love or hate in all their varieties of manifestation. It is perhaps why all the commandments for a blessed life are included in 2 positive statements "Love God with all your heart..and Love your neighbor as yourself"! What healing powerful sentiments!
I had envisioned progressing more rapidly with this blog when I first started, but my schedule has been very demanding..we will push through and use every available minute to share more with you! Please be patient..I value your comments!
In the next blog we will share a little about what Brenda was going through 25 yrs ago and how that when there seemed to be no help or cure for her condition, it was actually a blessing in disguise! Because there was no help at that time with traditional western medicine we became seekers, which is always the beginning on the road to recovering your health. "Seek and you will find" Jesus of Nazareth.
3 very important essentials indeed, great post! I look forward to future posts!